
Toys for sun bears by South Island School, Hong Kong

Date: October 14th 2013

Text by Gloria Ganang & photo by Tee Thye Lim & Tommy Johnny

The sun bears at BSBCC had a great day playing with enrichments made by the students of South Island School, Hong Kong when they visited the Centre on the 8th October 2013. Being in Borneo for the first time, the students are curious about this least known bear species. They get to learn more detail about the sun bears behavior by making observations on the sun bears in their enclosures.

A total of 21 students with 3 teachers spread around the observation platform, spotted a particular bear and observed their behavior. They were enthusiast to make fun toys or enrichments for the sun bears as soon as they had seen them. Enrichments were made using materials as natural as possible such as spiral ginger leaves, bamboo, fruits, vegetables, hessian sacks and banana leaves. Check out these kids cramping their heads constructing toys for the sun bears!

Apart from making toys for the sun bears, the students also handed some donations for the sun bears!

The students definitely spent a great time with the bears. Thanks to enthusiastic and passionate team from Ape Malaysia (http://apemalaysia.com/) for taking these awesome kids to visit the Centre!

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