
Biography "Saving Sun Bears - One Man's Quest to Save a Species"

The heart-warming biography "Saving Sun Bears: One Man's Quest to Save a Species" by Sarah Pye which takes the readers on a journey of discovery, introducing individual Sun Bear from Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC), and also telling the story of Papa Bear - The CEO & Founder of BSBCC Wong Siew Te who is dedication his life to save Sun Bears in Sabah, Malaysia.

Wong Siew Te and the rescued Sun Bear - Fulung

The author of this book - Sarah Pye 

The book launch on June 5th 2020, 10am Malaysia time and 12pm Australian time through the following platforms:

· https://www.facebook.com/worldenvironmentday/
· https://www.facebook.com/SunshineCoastEnvironmentCouncil/
· https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWP_S09gKGznSpyrXkjMYDQ
· http://www.wed.org.au/

Are you ready for this?!

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