On the 19th of September 2017, BSBCC was invited to SK Kepangian, Ranau to organize a Wildlife Awareness Programme. It is about 4 and half hours drive to this school from Sandakan district. This school is one of the rural schools in Ranau district with 13 teachers and 107 students ranging from 7 to 12 years old. A lot of activities were held during the programme such as talks, video show, wildlife games, wildlife colouring activity and visit to exhibition booths. Besides BSBCC, our partners which were the Wildlife Rescue Unit (WRU) and Hutan - Kinabatangan Orang Utan Conservation Programme (KOCP) also joined us. Huge thanks to SK Kepangian, Ranau for inviting us to their school and also to our partners, thank you for the continuous support! We were really glad to see the students learning more about the Mother Nature.
Opening speech by the school's headmaster
Students of SK Kepangian, Ranau
Talk on Orang Utans by Mr. Haslan from Hutan - Kinabatangan Orang Utan Conservation Programme
SK Kepangian, Ranau is located on top of a hill where you can see the majestic Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Malaysia.
Colouring activity for pre-school students and Primary 1 to Primary 3 students
Colouring activity for pre-school students and Primary 1 to Primary 3 students
Wildlife game conducted by Jeremy
Reading out the story The Wild Tree House of Borneo to the school children after the colouring activity
Booth by Wildlife Rescue Unit
Clouded Leopard interpretation by Gloria; we invited a student to be our volunteer for this activtiy
Introduction to sun bear using mascot
Happy students
Interactive students
QnA session
Jeremy showing termite's nest to the students while at the booth
Students visiting booth by Hutan - KOCP
Bellinda giving a brief introduction about wildlife before the colouring activity starts.
Gloria gave a short conclusion at the end of the programme
Gloria from BSBCC presenting token of appreciation to the school
Mr. Haslan from Hutan-KOCP presenting token of appreciation to the school
Mr. Suhairin from Wildlife Rescue Unit presenting token of appreciation to the school.
Receiving token of appreciation from SK Kepangian, Ranau
Receiving token of appreciation from SK Kepangian, Ranau
Receiving token of appreciation from SK Kepangian, Ranau
Group photo. Thank you SK Kepangian, Ranau!
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