BSBCC was honored to welcome the visit of the Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister Office, YB Datuk Mohd Arifin Mohd Arif, his wife YBhg. Datin Lenny Musa and delegates to the Centre. We hope everyone had a wonderful time observing the sun bears in the forest enclosure and learning about BSBCC's efforts in sun bear conservation in Sabah. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank YBhg. Datin Lenny Musa for adopting Kudat, one of the adult male sun bears at the Centre.
Taking a group photo at the BSBCC AV room
Observing sun bears in the forest enclosure from the observation platform
YB Datuk Mohd Arifin Mohd Arif and Mr. Hj. Fadzil (District Forestry Officer of Sandakan) reading the signs at the observation platform.
YBhg. Datin Lenny Musa adopting our sun bear, Kudat.
Group photo at the end of the visit
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