
Sensory Enrichments with Claire (Healing Animals Organisation)

Text and Photos by Jacquelyn Jill Jepiuh

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Claire for her incredible support as an animal healer at the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC). Her expertise in energy healing, essential oils, and sensory enrichments has made a profound impact on the well-being of our bears.

Claire, your dedication and compassionate approach to animal healing have been truly remarkable. Your energy healing techniques have provided a holistic and healing experience for our beloved bears, promoting their overall balance and vitality. The use of essential oils as part of sensory enrichments has created a stimulating and therapeutic environment for them.

On behalf of the entire team at BSBCC, I want to extend our deepest thanks for your invaluable contributions. Your passion for animal welfare and your commitment to their well-being have been truly inspiring. We are incredibly grateful for your expertise in energy healing and the positive effects it has on our bears.

Your work has brought a sense of peace and healing to our bears, and we cannot thank you enough. Thank you for being an incredible part of our journey. We look forward to continuing this important work together.

Big bear hugs!​πŸ»πŸŒΏπŸ™

Healing session with Kukuton

The first energy healing session was done on Kukuton. Claire explained to us that energy healing was a way to balance the energy flow in the individual which can help with reducing stress, anxiety and promote their well-being. It is also a way for her to 'connect' with the individual. She also presented different essential oils to him to see which scent he prefers. His preference of certain oils may help us to pinpoint any underlying conditions Kukuton may have and can help alleviate symptoms such as anxiety.

While doing the healing session, we noticed a difference in Kukuton from being restless at first to eventually laying down and resting on his hammock. 

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