
✨Intern Adventure ✨ by Natalie (UNIMAS Internship Student 2024)

Intern Adventure

Text by Natalie (UNIMAS Internship Student 2024)

My internship experience at BSBCC was extremely fun and insightful. I got to meet the bears in the bear house and learned a lot about them. I ended up having a favourite bear: Mary 💜, but all of the bears were very lovable.

The staffs were also very friendly and helpful, they taught me a lot during my internship and made my short time in BSBCC very enjoyable and accommodating.

I had a blast working together on the enrichment for the bears with my work buddy: Effendy, my friend who interned with me: Effa and volunteers who came during my internship. We had the chance to experience some adventure in the forest while finding enrichment and visited a peaceful waterfall.

It was a very nice experience and I hope to be able to visit BSBCC again

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