About Siew Te Wong – Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre
Sun bears are the least know bears and a forgotten bears species as I always call them. Certainly, it is not surprise that not many people know who I am and thus a proper introduction is needed for the readers of this blog to get to know me better as well as my work with sun bears …

I am a Malaysian Chinese, born in 1969 and raised in Penang at northern Peninsular Malaysia. “Wong” as I am known as, is actually my family name, and “Siew Te” is my first name. I love animals all my life. Since I was a first grader, “animal expert” was my ambition on the student record until the very last year in high school. Not surprisingly, my childhood was companioned by various kinds of pets. I became a successful pet breeder during my teenage. Studying abroad in Taiwan in 1989 was a turning point in my life. Although I was studying animal husbandry and veterinary, I had begun to appreciate wildlife even more when I was an active member in the student chapter of the Bird Watching Society. Through my binoculars, I learned to appreciate the beauty of wildlife, nature, and forest. Ironically, I also witnessed unlawful mist netting of wild birds, poaching of wildlife, illegal pet trades, and habitat degradation.
After graduated the animal husbandry and vet program, Prof. Kurtis Pei, a wildlife professor at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, recruited me as his research assistant. It was then I started my career as a field biologist/research assistant doing wildlife survey, camera trapping, radio collaring and tracking large mammals, taking care of endangered species at Pei’s wildlife rescue center, and all of goofy stuff people seen in Discovery Channel.
In 1994, I came to University of Montana to seek a dream that was considered as “difficult task” for many people from ordinary Asian family. The dream, which put me on a right track of my career, was to pursue a bachelor degree in Wildlife Biology. The same year, I met my then future academic advisor, Dr. Christopher Servheen, who was looking for a Malaysian student to conduct an ecological study on sun bears. In 1998, I began to study the ecology of Malayan sun bears in a rainforest of Malaysian Borneo as a project for M.S. thesis. For the first time, the study revealed the mysterious life history of this little known bear and many ecological aspects of Bornean rainforest. In 2002, I started my doctorate program at the same university. In view of there were so much unknown about sun bears, I decided the effects of logging on sun bears at the same study area where I did my MSc study in Sabah, Malaysia Borneo. Because of the conservation achievement from the project, I was appointed to co-chair the Sun Bear Expert Team for the IUCN/SSC Bear Specialist Group, from 2002-2005.

Since I started my plan to study sun bear, my interest on them grows daily. Beside wild bears, which were the focus of my studies, I also like to learn more about captive bears. I often visited places where I heard sun bear were held in captivities: zoo, mini zoos, crocodile farms, private menageries, and even private homes. They were all kept in small cages, unhygienic environment, and in some places were completely disgusting! Some were cubs, some were full grown adults, and some were old individuals. Almost all of them suffered from serious stereotypic behavior, pacing all day long if there were any room in their tiny cage for them to pace. Seeing these bears in these captive condition were completely heart broken. However, I choose to find them, see more of them, and learn more about the stories behind them. This is how the idea of Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre, BSBCC, first came in to my mind (Please read previous postings about the BSBCC.)
Most wildlife like the sun bears is forest dependent species. They simply cannot survive outside the forest. My experience working in Southeast Asia shows desperate situation for the continuation of local forests. Much more work is needed to ensure the long-term survival of the native wildlife and forests. In many parts of Southeast Asia, the tropical forests are disappearing rapidly to a point where too late to do anything. In contrast, due to the economy and political stability, Malaysia still has a chance for conservationists to save the last stronghold of Southeast Asian rainforests and wildlife. We need distinguished biologists to train local students as conservationists and biologists, to educate public and government on the importance of conservation, and to study the flora and fauna in order to understand better its functions. I am and I was, trained as an “animal expert” or wildlife biologist for all these years. I hope to use these knowledge and training to do a great job in my career to conserve wildlife and forests.

Over the last ten years, I have been engaging on sun bear research and conservation activities. However, due to the very little conservation interest among the conservation communities world wide, sun bear survival faces tremendous challenge from various threats. I hope with setting up of BSBCC, we can do more to help sun bears and their forest that is so precious to all of us. The challenge is huge but I am ready to take the challenge. However, I simply cannot do this alone. I need helps, supports, and allies. Together we can make a different for sun bears and other magnificent species in this region.
Watch me in BEARTREK
Listen to my radio interview with Sandra Robinson and Jordan Schaul
Listen to me talk about sun bear on “The WildLife” Radio Show by Dr. Laurel Neme
And more video at http://www.youtube.com/user/BSBCC
My Biography
Siew Te Wong (Chief Executive Officer, Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center)
“Siew Te Wong, a Malaysian wildlife biologist and sun bear expert. For the last 13 years, Wong has been studying and working on the ecological conservation of the sun bear. He is one of the few Malaysian wildlife biologists trained in a western country. He did both his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science at the University of Montana in Missoula, and is continuing for his doctorate degree there. His pioneering studies of sun bear ecology in the Borneo rainforest revealed the elusive life history of the sun bear in the dense jungle. Wong’s research has taken him to the most threatened wildlife habitat on Earth, where field work is exceedingly difficult. While rapid habitat destruction from unsustainable logging practices, the conversion of the sun bear’s habitat into palm oil plantations and uncontrolled poaching activities paint a bleak picture for the future of the sun bear, Wong is determined to help the present situation of sun bears in Southeast Asia. Wong is the CEO of the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, which he founded in 2008. He was also a fellow of the Flying Elephants Foundation, which awards individuals from a broad range of disciplines in the arts and sciences who have demonstrated singular creativity, passion, integrity and leadership and whose work inspires a reverence for the natural world. Wong is also the former co-chair of the Sun Bear Expert Team, under the IUCN/Species Survival Commission’s Bear Specialist Group and a current member of three IUCN/SSC Specialist Groups
My Curriculum Vitae
Email: wongsiew@hotmail.com
Nationality: Malaysia
2002-pres.: Ph. D. candidate. Fish and Wildlife Biology. University of Montana, Montana.
Dissertation title: The effects of selective logging on Malayan sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) and bearded pigs (Sus barbatus) in lowland tropical rainforest of Borneo. (Dr. Christopher Servheen, Advisor).
1998-2002: M. Sc. Wildlife Biology. University of Montana, Missoula, Montana.
Thesis title: The ecology of Malayan sun bear in the lowland tropical rainforest of Sabah, Borneo. (Dr. Christopher Servheen, Advisor).
1994-1997: B. Sc. Wildlife Biology. University of Montana, Missoula, Montana.
1989-1992: Diploma. Animal Science and Veterinary. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. Pingtung, Taiwan.
Other Special Training and Courses:
Training Course on Advanced Techniques in Frugivory and Seed Dispersal- Instructors: Dr. Richard Corlett (University of Hong Kong) & Dr. Jin Chen (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Gardens, Yunnan, China), Yunnan, China; July 22-August 5, 2006, sponsored by The Chinese Academy of Sciences. This course provided a broad introduction to methods of studying frugivory and seed dispersal, from field observations and seed traps, to radio telemetry and molecular techniques. The course also emphasized on practical techniques and their application to problems in ecology and conservation management.
Advanced Immobilization and Emergency Anesthetic Techniques for Bear Researchers and Managers- Instructor: Dr. John B. Murnane, D.V.M., Missoula, Montana, USA; March 2009, sponsored by US Fish and Wildlife Service. Two days intensive workshop on the latest development of bear handling procedures and techniques, drug administration, and emergency medical treatment in the field.
Advanced Immobilization and Emergency Anesthetic Techniques for Bear Researchers and Managers- II, Dr. John B. Murnane, D.V.M., West Glacier, Montana, USA; April 2004, sponsored by US Fish and Wildlife Service. Daylong intensive workshop on the latest development of bear handling procedures and techniques, drug administration, and emergency medical treatment in the field.
Advanced Immobilization and Emergency Anesthetic Techniques for Bear Researchers and Managers- I, Dr. John B. Murnane, D.V.M., Condon, Montana, USA; May 2003, sponsored by US Fish and Wildlife Service. Two days intensive workshop of discussion and training on bear handling procedures, drug administration, and emergency medical treatment in the field.
Wildlife Handling with Veterinary Perspectives, Dr. Mark R. Johnson, D.V.M., University of Montana, Spring 1996.Intensive, weeklong course examining the details of wildlife handling and drug administration by biologists. Training included classroom and hands-on experience with wildlife capture, collaring, and the use of anesthetics and sedatives.
Employment History
Apr 2008- present Founder and CEO, “Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre”, Sepilok, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia.
Oct 2006-2008 Principal Investigator, “Malayan sun bear distribution mapping and conservation status survey in West and East Malaysia”
May-August 2006 Coordinator, “Re-housing and enrichment project for captive sun bears at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center, Sabah”. Coordinating, fund raising, designing, and enriching for a construction project on sun bear enclosures in Sepilok.
Jan 05- Mar 2008 Principal Investigator, The University of Montana Bornean Sun Bear and Bearded Pig Research and Conservation Project; U of Montana doctorate research “The effects of selective logging on Malayan sun bears (Helarctos malayanus)and bearded pigs (Sus barbatus) in lowland tropical rainforest of Borneo.”
May-July, 2004 Field Technician, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “Habitat Fragmentation Effects on Grizzly Bear and Black Bear Movement and Connectivity in the Kootenai River Valley”
June-Aug, 2003 Field Technician, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Libby, MT. “Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystem Grizzly Bear and Black Bear Research”
May-June, 2003 Field Technician, Wildlife Biology Program, U of Montana. “The effects of Transportation and Development on Black Bear Movements and Connectivity”
Summer, 2002 Field Technician, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Libby, MT. “Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystem Grizzly Bear and Black Bear Research”
Jun 98- Dec 2000 Research student, Wildlife Biology Program, U of Montana. “The ecology of Malayan sun bear in the lowland tropical rainforest of Sabah, Borneo.”
Summer, 1997 Field Assistant, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Libby, MT. “Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystem Grizzly Bear and Black Bear Research”
Summer, 1996 Field Assistant, Wildlife Research Lab, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. Pingtung, Taiwan. “A fauna survey of Tawu Mountain Natural Reserve, Taiwan”, “Pingtung Rescue Center for Endangered Wild Animals.”
Summer 1995 Field Assistant, Dept. of Zoology, University of Malaya, Malaysia. “Population and community ecology of birds and bats in Malaysian rainforest”
Mar-Jul 1994 Scientific Officer, Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Jun 92-Dec 1993 Research Assistant, Wildlife Research Lab. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. Pingtung, Taiwan. “A radio-telemetry study of Formosan Reeve’s muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi micrurus)”, “A fauna survey of Taitung Hardwood Nature Reserve”, “Pingtung Rescue Center for Endangered Wild Animals.”
Hanya, G., Stevenson, P., Noordwijk, M.v., Wong, S.T., Kanamori, T., Kuze, N., Aiba. S., Chapman, C., van Schaik, C. Seasonality in fruit availability affects primate biomass and species richness. (In prep. Ecology Letter)
Teo, S.D., Hwang, M.H, Wong, S.T., Ding, T.S., Lahousse, T. Habitat Use by Malayan Sun Bears?Helarctos malayanus?in the Lowland Rainforests of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. (Submitted to Biotropica).
Chen, C.C , Pei, K.J.C., Kuo, M.D., Yang, C.M., Wong, S.T., Lin, F.G., & Kuo, S.C. 2010. A possible case of hantavirus infection in Borneo orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) and its conservation implication. Journal of Medical Primatology. Published online August 16, 2010 (in press).
Fredriksson, G., Steinmetz, R., Wong, S.T. & Garshelis, D.L. 2008. Helarctos malayanus. In: IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2009.1. <www.iucnredlist.org>.
Wong, S.T. 2006. The status of Malayan sun bear in Malaysia. Pp 66-72 in Japan Bear Network (compiler). 2006. Understanding Asian bears to secure their future. Japan Bear Network, Ibakari, Japan 145 pp.
Wong, S.T., C. Servheen, L. Ambu, and Norhayati A. 2005. Impacts of fruit production cycle Malayan sun bears and bearded pigs in lowland tropical forests of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 21:627-639. [SCI]
Norhayati, A., I Mila, L., Juliana, S., Wong, S.T. & Shukor, M.N. 2005. Amphibian fauna of Danum Valley Conservation Area. In Laily B. Din, Muhammad Yahya, Norhayati, A., Nizam, M.S., Waidi Sinun & A. Latiff (eds.). Danum Valley Conservation Area: Physical, Biological and Social Environments. Yayasan Sabah and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi. pp.
Norhayati, A., Wong, S.T., Juliana, S. & Shukor, M.N. 2005. An annotated checklist of reptiles in Danum Valley Conservation Area. In Laily B. Din, Muhammad Yahya, Norhayati, A., Nizam, M.S., Waidi Sinun & A. Latiff (eds.). Danum Valley Conservation Area: Physical, Biological and Social Environments. Yayasan Sabah and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi. pp. 299-312.
Wong, S. T., Servheen, C. & Ambu, L. 2004. Home range, movement and activity patterns, and bedding sites of Malayan Sun Bears Helarctos malayanus in the Rainforest of Borneo. Biological Conservation. 119:169-181. [SCI]
Wong, S.T., C. Servheen, and L. Ambu. 2002. Food habits of Malayan sun bears in lowland tropical forest of Borneo. Ursus. 13:127-136. [SCI]
Lin, Y.R., S.T. Wong, C. J. Pei. 1993. Variations in skull morphology of Formosan Reeve’s muntjac in Little Ghost Lake Forest Reserve, Pingtung, Taiwan. Notes of Wildlifers and Newsletter of Wildlifers (NOW). 1(4): 8-11. (In Chinese)
Other publications
Wong, S. T. 2010. Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre in Malaysia Borneo. International Bear News. 19(1):18-19.
Wong, S. 2009. Sun Bear: The Forgotten Bear. Society & Environment. A monthly magazine published by Zayed International Prize for the Environment. July 2009: 40-42.
The Emerging Wildlife Conservation Leaders, Wong S.T. & Gabriella Fredriksson. 2006. Sun Bear Adventure Journals. EWCL. 34 pp.
Wong, S.T. & C. Servheen. 2005.The Bornean Sun Bear and Bearded Pig Research and Conservation Project- a new field project to study the effects of selective logging on Malayan sun bears and bearded pigs in Borneo. International Bear News. 14(4):24.
Wong, S.T. & C. Servheen. 2005. New field project to study the effects of selective logging on bearded pigs and sun bears in Borneo. Suiform Soundings. Peccaries, Pigs, and Hippos Specialists Group Newsletter. 5(1):30.
Wong, S.T. 2003. Dances with sun bears. Malayan Naturalist. 56(3): 20-25.
Wong, S.T. 2003. Sun bear research on the web. International Bear News. 12(2):9.
Wong, S. T. and C. Servheen. 1999. Malaysia Malayan Sun bear Ecology. International Bear News. 8(3):11-12.
Oral Presentations in conferences
Wong, S.T., W.P. Ng. The current status of sun bear in Malaysia and the future roles of Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre. The 4th Meeting of the Asian Society of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. August 1, 2010.
Wong, S.T., C. Servheen. From the Temperate Zone to the Tropic – Sun Bear Research and Conservation from Montana to Borneo. The Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Helena, MT, USA. 26 February 2010.
Wong, S.T., W.P. Ng. Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center: Hope at last for the Bornean sun bears. 2009 Conference on Wildlife Rescuing in East and Southeast Asia. Pingtung, Taiwan. 3 November 2009.
Wong, S.T. The behavioral ecology and conservation of sun bear in Borneo. Keynote address. Advancing Bear Care Conference 2009. San Francisco, California, USA. 6 November 2009.
Wong, S.T. Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center: Hope at last for the Bornean sun bears. Zoo and Aquarium Committing to Conservation, Houston, Texas. 24 January 2009.
Wong, S.T. Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center: Hope at last for the Bornean sun bears. Wildlife Conservation Network Wildlife Conservation Expo 2008. San Francisco, California, USA. 4 October 2008.
Wong, S. T. The human-sun bear conflicts in SE Asia and its conservation concerns. Paper presented at HSBC-WWF-Malaysia Human Wildlife Conflict Dialogue 2007:Best Management Practices (BMP): Your Tool to Conflict Mitigation. Cameron Highland, Malaysia. 17 December 2007.
Wong, S.T. T The Status and Conservation Issues of Sun Bear in Malaysia. Paper presented at the Borneo Species Workshop 2007: Large Mammals and Their Habitat in Borneo. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. 6 December 2007.
Wong, S.T. The Bornean sun bear and bearded pig research and conservation project. Paper presented at The 2nd International Field Ecology Symposium “Biodiversity management”, Bangkok, Thailand. 27 January 2007.
Wong, S.T. The ecology and conservation of sun bear in Malaysia. (In Malay). Invited speaker. Sustainable use for Fish and Wildlife Workshop, Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia. 8 November 2006.
Wong, S.T. 2006. Conservation and management challenge for Asian bears: habitat destruction of Malayan sun bear in Malaysia. Invited Speaker at the Annual International Conference on Bear Research and Management-IBA 2006. Karuizawa Town, Nagano, Japan. 2 October 2006.
Wong, S.T. 2006. The Sun Bear Project 1998-2000. Paper presented at The Annual meeting of The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. 18 July 2006.
Wong, S.T. 2005. The status and conservation priority of Malayan sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) in Malaysia. Paper presented at The 1st Asian Meeting of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand. 28 October 2005.
Wong, S.T. 2005. The ecology of the Malayan sun bear and their conservation in a changing landscape in Malaysia. Paper presented at Asian Bear Workshop- Post conference workshop of 9th International Mammalogical Congress, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. 6 August 2005.
Wong, S.T., C. Servheen, L. Ambu, and Norhayati A. 2004. The effects of famine on Malayan sun bears and bearded pigs in lowland tropical rainforest of Borneo. Paper presented at The Annual meeting of The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Miami, Florida, USA. 13 July 2004.
Wong, S.T. 2002. The ecology of Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) in the lowland tropical forest of Borneo. Paper presented at Bear Essentials 2002: An AZA Bear TAG Workshop, AZA Western Regional Workshop, Tucson, AZ. 25 Apr 2002
Wong, S.T., C. Servheen, L. Ambu. 2001. The ecology of Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) in the lowland tropical forest of Borne. Paper presented at 13th International Conference on Bear Research and Management, Jackson Hole, Wyoming. 24 May 2001.
Wong, S.T., C. Servheen, L. Ambu. 1999. The ecology of Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) in the lowland tropical forest of Borneo- Preliminary Results. Paper presented at 4th Seminar on Tropical Ecosystem Research in Sabah, Sabah Inter-Agency Tropical Ecosystem (SITE) Research Seminar Committee, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. 7 Sep 1999.
Other Oral Presentations
Wong, S.T. Sun bear- past, present, and the future. The Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society, The University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USA. 21 September 2010.
Wong, S.T. The ecology, conservation and plights of the sun bears: what can we do to save this little bear? The Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society, The University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USA. 22 September 2009.
Wong, S.T. The ecology, conservation and plights of the sun bears: what can we do to save this little bear? Columbus Zoo, Columbus, Ohio, USA. 16 July 2009.
Wong, S.T. The ecology, conservation and plights of the sun bears: what can we do to save this little bear? Alexander Abraham Foundation, New York, USA. 9 July 2009.
Wong, S.T. The ecology, conservation and plights of the sun bears: what can we do to save this little bear? Bronx Zoo, New York, USA. 8 July 2009.
Wong, S.T. The ecology, conservation and plights of the sun bears: what can we do to save this little bear? Brookfield Zoo, Chicago, Illinois, USA. 2 July 2009.
Wong, S.T. The ecology, conservation and plights of the sun bears: what can we do to save this little bear? Minnesota Zoo, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. 29 June 2009.
Wong, S.T. The plight of sun bear and their hope with Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center. “Bear Necessities” A fundraising event for BSBCC. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. 14 November 2008.
Wong, S.T. The plight and the conservation challenges of the sun bears: what can we do to save this little bear? The Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USA. 28 October 2008.
Wong, S.T. The plight and the conservation challenges of the sun bears: what can we do to save this little bear? Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, Washington, USA. 21 October 2008.
Wong, S.T. The ecology and conservation of sun bear in Malaysia. University of Montana. Missoula, Montana, USA. 15 September 2008.
Wong, S.T. The ecology and conservation of sun bear in Malaysia. (Children version). Bukit Damansara Primary School. Kuala Lumpur. 29 May 2008.
Wong, S.T. The ecology and conservation of sun bear in Malaysia. Department of Veterinary. University Putra Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. 29 May 2008.
Wong, S.T. Help me! The survival threats, rescue center, and rehabilitation of Bornean sun bears in Malaysia. (In Chinese). Institute of Wildlife Conservation. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. Pingtung, Taiwan. 25 October 2007.
Wong, S.T. The ecology and conservation of sun bear in Malaysia. Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore. 18 June 2007.
Wong, S.T. The effects of selective logging on sun bear and bearded pigs in lowland tropical rainforest of Borneo. Singapore Zoo, Singapore. 17 June 2007.
Wong, S.T. The effects of selective logging on sun bear and bearded pigs in lowland tropical rainforest of Borneo. Singapore Zoo, Singapore. 15 June 2007.
Wong, S.T. The ecology of Malayan sun bear and their conservation issues in a changing landscape. Raleigh International. Danum Valley Field Center. 5 May2007.
Wong, S.T. The ecology and conservation of sun bear in Malaysia. Society of Natural Science and Grand Perfect Sdn. Bhd. Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia. 15 November 2006.
Wong, S.T. The research and conservation of Bornean Sun Bear and Bearded Pig. (In Chinese). Institute of Wildlife Conservation. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. Pingtung, Taiwan. 19 October 2006.
Wong, S.T. The Bornean Sun Bear and Bearded Pig Research and Conservation Project. Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China. 25 July 2006.
Wong, S.T. The ecology of Malayan sun bear and their conservation issues in a changing landscape. Shangri-La Rasa Ria Resort, Kota KInabalu. 20 May 2006.
Wong, S.T. The Bornean Sun Bear and Bearded Pig Research and Conservation Project. Sabah State Economic Planning Unit & Sabah Sate Government Agencies, Kota Kinabalu. 19 May 2006.
Wong, S.T. The Bornean Sun Bear and Bearded Pig Research and Conservation Project. The Sabah Society. Kota Kinabalu. 19 May 2006.
Wong, S.T. The ecology of Malayan sun bear and their conservation issues in a changing landscape (in Malay). Sabah State Department of Women Welfare. Danum Valley Field Center. 29 April 2006.
Wong, S.T. The ecology of Malayan sun bear and their conservation issues in a changing landscape. Raleigh International. Danum Valley Field Center. 29 March 2006.
Wong, S.T. The Bornean Sun Bear and Bearded Pig Research and Conservation Project. Swedish Biodiversity Center & Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden. Danum Valley Field Center. 22 March 2006.
Wong, S.T. The Bornean Sun Bear and Bearded Pig Research and Conservation Project. Alumni of Department of Silviculture, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden. Danum Valley Field Center. 5 March 2006.
Wong, S.T. Impacts of fruit production cycle Malayan sun bears and bearded pigs in lowland tropical forests of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Invited speaker. University of Umea-Sweden. Danum Valley Field center. 2 March 2006.
Wong, S.T. Impacts of fruit production cycle Malayan sun bears and bearded pigs in lowland tropical forests of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Invited speaker. Faculty of Biology and Natural Resources, National University of Malaysia. Bangi. 21 February 2006.
Wong, S.T. The ecology of Malayan sun bear and their conservation issues in a changing landscape. Invited speaker. Faculty of Biology and Natural Resources, National University of Malaysia. Bangi. 21 February 2006.
Wong, S.T. Figs: why are they crucial to the future of Bornean rainforests? Invited speaker. Malaysian Nature Society. Penang Branch. Penang. 17 February 2006.
Wong, S.T. Impacts of fruit production cycle Malayan sun bears and bearded pigs in lowland tropical forests of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Invited speaker. Nordic Rainforest Research Network. Danum Valley Field Center. 18 November 2005.
Wong, S.T. Impacts of fruit production cycle Malayan sun bears and bearded pigs in lowland tropical forests of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Invited speaker. Forest Research Centre, Sepilok, Sabah Forestry Department, Sandakan. 30 September 2005.
Wong, S.T. In Search of the Bornean Bear: An ecological study of the Malayan sun bear and their conservation in a changing landscape. Invited speaker. The Sabah Society Sandakan Branch, Sandakan.30 September 2005.
Wong, S.T. Figs: why are they crucial to the future of Bornean rainforests? Invited speaker. The Sabah Society Sandakan Branch, Sandakan.30 September 2005.
Wong, S.T. An ecological study of the Malayan sun bear and their conservation in a changing landscape. Sabah Foundation, Danum Valley Field Centre. 4 September 2005.
Wong, S.T. An ecological study of the Malayan sun bear and their conservation in a changing landscape. Universiti Technology MARA & Sabah Health Department, Danum Valley Field Centre.3 September 2005.
Wong, S.T. The ecology of the Malayan sun bear and their conservation in a changing landscape in Malaysia. Sheretoku National Park, Hokkaido, Japan. 8 August 2005.
Wong, S.T. In Search of the Bornean Bear: An ecological study of the Malayan sun bear and their conservation in a changing landscape. Singapore Zoo, Singapore. 25 July 2005.
Wong, S.T. Impacts of fruit production cycle Malayan sun bears and bearded pigs in lowland tropical forests of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Invited speaker. Sabah Wildlife Department, Kota Kinabalu. 21 June 2005.
Wong, S.T. Figs: why are they crucial to the future of Bornean rainforests? Invited speaker. The Sabah Society. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. 21 June 2005.
Wong, S.T. Sun bear ecology (in Malay), Sabah Nature Club, Danum Valley Field Centre. 18 June 2005.
Wong, S.T. Introduction of Danum’s wildlife (in Malay). Universiti Putra Malaysia, Danum Valley Field Centre. 14 April 2005.
Wong, S.T. Ecology of the Malayan sun bear in Danum. Raleigh International, Danum Valley Field Centre. 6 April 2005.
Wong, S.T. An ecological study of the Malayan sun bear and their conservation in a changing landscape. Scientist’s Night Talk, Danum Valley Field Centre. 21 March 2005.
Wong, S.T. Impacts of fruiting cycle on sun bears and bearded pigs. University of Umea-Sweden, Danum Valley Field Centre. 3 March 2005.
Wong, S.T. In Search of the Bornean Bear: An ecological study of the Malayan sun bear and their conservation in a changing landscape (In Chinese). Institute of Wildlife Conservation. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. Pingtung, Taiwan. 18 January 2005.
Wong, S.T. In Search of the Bornean Bear: An ecology study of the Malayan sun bear. Oakland Zoo, CA. 1 April 2004.
Wong, S.T. The ecology and conservation of Malayan sun bear in Malaysia. Invited speaker, Malaysian Nature Society, Penang, Malaysia. 16 Jan 2004.
Wong, S.T. The ecology and conservation of Malayan sun bear in Malaysia. Invited speaker, Faculty of Resource and Science Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia. 12 Jan 2004.
Wong, S.T. The ecology and conservation of Malayan sun bear in Malaysia. Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 22 Dec 2003.
Wong, S.T. The ecology of Malayan sun bear in the lowland tropical forest of Borneo. Key speaker, Malayan Sun Bear Lecture Night, Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA. 23 Aug 2001
Wong, S.T. The ecology of Malayan sun bear in the lowland tropical forest of Borneo. The Great Bear Foundation. University of Montana. 15 Mar 2001
Wong, S.T. The sun bear project. The Sabah Society, Kota Kinabalu (KK), Sabah, Malaysia. 13 Oct 2000
Wong, S.T. The sun bear project. The Sabah Zoological Society, KK, Sabah, Malaysia. 30 Dec 1999
Wong, S.T., C. Servheen, L. Ambu, and Norhayati A. 2005. Impacts of fruit production cycle Malayan sun bears and bearded pigs in lowland tropical forests of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Paper presented at The 1st Asian Meeting of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand.
Wong, S.T., C. Servheen, L. Ambu, and Norhayati A. 2005. Impacts of fruit production cycle Malayan sun bears and bearded pigs in lowland tropical forests of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo.– Poster presented at the 9th International Mammalogical Congress, Sapporo, Japan.
Wong, S.T, T. Radandt,R. Facklam. 2004. A Culvert trap design for Malayan sun bear. Poster presented at the student session: 15th International Conference on Bear Research and Management, San Diego, California, USA.
Featured in Mass Media:
2010 Captive bear news: highlighting professionals behind the scenes- Siew Te Wong, Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre. Written by Jordan Schaul. International Bear News 19 (3): 29-31.
2010 Interviewed by Zoo Talkin’ Radio, hosted by Sandra Dee Robinson and Jordal Schaul, aired on June 14, 2010.
2010 Interviewed by “The WildLife” Radio show host by Laurel Neme, on “The Radiator” 105.9 FM in Burlington, VT, USA , on May 17, 2010.
2010 Perspire to inspire: Man on mission. Feature article wrote by Crystal Cha on the story of Wong Siew Te and his work to save sun bear in I.M Magazine, a popular Malaysian magazine. April 2010.
2009 Exploring Malaysia-Interviewed by Joana Bessey on BSBCC and Sun Bears. BBC World New. April 2009.
2008 “The sun bear man- an interview with Wong Siew Te”- The New Sabah Times. 14 November 2008.
2008 “Bear Necessities Fund raising Event- Interview with Wong Siew Te and Cynthia Ong”. Online article at Life in Borneo. 13 November 2008.
2008 “Plight of sun bears: time running out” & “Plight of sun bears: Paying a high price for being adorable”, Feature articles on The New Straits Times on sun bears and S.T.Wong by Evengeline Majawat and Julia Chan. 3 November 2008.
2008 “An Interview with sun bear expert Siew Te Wong: Habitat destruction, logging, wildlife trade drive sun bears toward extinction”. Online interview article feature in www.mongabay.com. 25 September 2008.
2008 “Wong Siew Te- the first spoke person for the sun bear” and other four related articles on sun bears.- Feature in Full Record of Environment, the first Chinese environmental and nature magazine.
2008 “Wong Siew Te Dances with sun bears”- Feature article on Nanyang Shang Pau (Nanyang Press) about the sun bear research and conservation works by Wong Siew Te (In Chinese). January 15, 2008. http://www.nanyang.com/index.php?ch=19&a…
2007 “BEARTREK” –an epic, high definition documentary movie features several bear research projects, including S.T. Wong sun bear project across the world. http://homepage.mac.com/pontecorvo1/DOWNLOAD/iMovieTheater83.html
2007 “Research projects in Danum Valley” –Feature article on Nanyang Shang Pau (Nanyang Press) about the project story written by Yee Mei Cui. May 12, 2007.
2007 “Bearded Pigs and its conservation in Sabah”- Feature article on bearded pigs written by Larry Laron after interviewed S.T. Wong. Daily Press, March 3, 2007.
2006 “Hanging on”, “Fighting for survival”, “Malayan sun bear facts”, “Friend of bears”- Series of articles written by Tan Chen Li on S.T. Wong and his works on sun bear research and conservation, featured in The Star –Environment section, 8 August 2006.
2006 “Sun bear staring at sunset”, For Wong, it’s a bear necessity” -Series of articles written by Elizabeth John on S.T. Wong and his works on sun bear research and conservation, featured in New Straits Times. 2 July 2006.
2005 “The world’s smallest bear-the arboreal sun bear”-article written by S.T. Wong featured in Sin Chew Jit Po (National Chinese Newspaper, in Chinese), July 30th, 2005.
2005 “The Malayan Sun Bear”- article on sun bear facts and ecology featured in The Borneo Post, June 4th, 2005.
2005 Interviewed by Sveriges Radio-Swedish National Radio Co. in program “Naturmorgon,” on sun bear conservation and ecology.
2002 “Animal Tracks: The Malayan sun bears,” produced by Discovery Channel for Discovery Channel and Animal Planet.
2001 “World Gone Wild: The sun bear story”. Produced by Natural History New Zealand Ltd., for Fox TV Studio and Fox Family Channel, USA.
Professional Services
2010 Member, IUCN/SSC Small Carnivore Specialist Group.
2009- present Project Collaborator, Sabah’s wild cat species of conservation concern. Principal investigators: Dr. Jedediah Brodie (University of Montana, USA.) and Dr. James Sanderson (Wildlife Conservation Network & IUCN Cat Specialist Group).
2009 Member, Yale Large Carnivore Group.
2007 Committee member, Malaysian Red Data Book Assessment for Malaysian mammals.
2007- 2009 Affiliate Researcher, Singapore Zoo.
2007- 2008 Member, IUCN/SSC Pigs, Peccaries & Hippos Specialist Group.
2006- 2009 Field Research & Conservation Advisor for Malayan sun bear- Bear Conservation Medicine Program http://www.bearconservationmedicine.org/
2005- present Member, Bear Trade Expert Team –IUCN/SSC Bear Specialist Group and the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA).
2005- present Member, Sun Bear Expert Team -IUCN/SSC Bear Specialist Group and the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA).
2002- 2005: Co-Chair, Sun Bear Expert Team-IUCN/SSC Bear Specialist Group and the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA).
2004-2005: IUCN/SSC Bear Specialist Group Coordinating Committee.
2002- present Member, IUCN/SSC Bear Specialist Group
Reviewer for: Journal of Wildlife Management; URSUS, an official publication of the IBA; The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology; Biodiversity and Conservation; Wildlife Conservation Society; Zoological Research; Small Carnivores Conservation.
2009 Bertha Morton Scholarship, University of Montana. .
The University of Montana Graduate Student Travel Award.
2006 Best Student Project Award in Training Course on Advanced Techniques in Frugivory and Seed Dispersal, Yunnan, China.
17th International Bear Association Conference in Japan Travel Award;
Flying Elephant Foundation Fellowship,
Sea World Busch Gardens Conservation Award,
2006 Annual Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation Travel Grant
2005 The 9th International Mammalogical Congress Travel Award
2004 The University of Montana Graduate Student Travel Award
2001 Minnesota Zoo Conservation Advisory Team Awards
1997 James C. Salinas Scholarship, University of Montana.
Forestry Dean’s Award-Wildlife Biology;
M. Papich Scholarship/FAO Award, U of Montana
1995 Vaughan Family Estate Scholarship/FAO Award, University of Montana
Grants and donations:
Sea World and Busch Garden Conservation Fund, LUSH Charity Pot- LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics, Alexandra Abraham Foundation, Shared Earth Foundation, Full Circle Foundation, Sabah State Government, Wildlife Direct online Donation, Woodland Park Zoo 2010 Conservation Dues Program, Cheryl Grunbock and Martin King Foundation, Cleveland Metro Zoo
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Shared Earth Foundation, Sea World and Busch Garden Conservation Fund, Wild4Ever, Alexander Abraham Foundation, EARCOS fund raising, Bukit Damansara School, Woodland Park Zoo
Cheryl Grunbock and Martin King Foundation, Bear Necessities Fund Raising Event, Bear Necessities Matching Fund from Sabah State Government, Oakland Zoo bear keepers, Flying Elephant Foundation, AZA Bear Tag, LEAP website Online donation, Muchnic Foundation, Woodland Park Zoo, Oakland Zoo, Oregon Zoo, Woodland Park Zoo, Wildlife Direct Online Donation, Wildlife Conservation Network.
BEARTREK, The Department of State -The United State of America via The US Embassy in Malaysia, Singapore Zoological Gardens-Wildlife Research and Conservation Fund
IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group-International Conservation Network, Re-housing and enrichment project for captive sun bears at Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center- Raised $12,000 from various funding sources; The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Fund, Sea World Busch Gardens Conservation Award, Woodland Park Zoo Partners for Wildlife Conservation Training & Capacity Building Program, Alexander Abraham Foundation, The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) branding project; The Minnesota Zoo’s Ulysses S. Seal Conservation Fund, Singapore Zoological Gardens-Wildlife Research and Conservation Fund, IBA Research & Conservation Grant Program, Alexander Abraham Foundation via LEAP, The Lincoln Park Zoo Conservation Funds,
The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Fund, The Woodland Park Zoo Conservation Fund, Singapore Zoological Gardens-Wildlife Research and Conservation Fund, The Minnesota Zoo’s Ulysses S. Seal Conservation Fund, Little Rock Zoo Conservation Fund, The Lincoln Park Zoo Conservation Funds,
The Lincoln Park Zoo Conservation Funds, The International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA) Research & Conservation Grant Program.
The Woodland Park Zoo Conservation Fund
Garden City American Association of Zookeepers (AAZK), San Diego Zoo, Lincoln Park Zoo AAZK Chapter, The Puget Sound AAZK Chapter.
Sun Bear Species Survival Plan, Minnesota Zoo Conservation Advisory Team Awards, The Oxford University Expedition to Sumatra (1998).
The Woodland Park Zoo Jungle Party Conservation Fund, Wildlife Conservation Society- Research Fellowship Program
The Brookfield Zoo Conservation Research Fund, The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, The Barbara Delano Foundation, The Walt Disney Foundation Conservation Fund.