
New Dental Machine for BSBCC

We are delighted to share some exciting news with you all! Thanks to the continuous support from the Hasanah Foundation, a leading foundation that promotes Malaysia's global sustainability through solutions that empower communities, encourage social inclusivity, and improve the environment, we have been able to acquire a portable dental machine that will greatly improve our dental care for the rescued sun bears at our center.

Dental health is crucial for the well-being of sun bears, as they use their teeth to crack open hard-shelled fruits and nuts in the wild. Many of the sun bears that we rescue have dental problems due to poor nutrition, trauma, or neglect.

The portable dental machine will enable us to perform dental procedures on the sun bears easily and more efficiently. The machine is fully equipped with a dental drill, scaler, polisher, and suction unit. Today we used it on Wan Wan, one of our older bears with poor dentition, who needs constant checkups and scaling for her teeth. Having this machine is definitely a game-changer!

We are very thankful to the Hasanah Foundation for their generous contribution and their commitment to wildlife conservation. Their donation will make a huge difference in the lives of the sun bears that we care for, and will help us achieve our mission of rehabilitating and releasing them back to their natural habitat.
Thank you, Yayasan Hasanah & Kementerian Kewangan, for being a part of our sun bear family!

#bsbcc #sunbear #conservation #dentalcare

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