On the 15th to 18th of October 2018 ago, BSBCC organized an outreach program to four schools in the Sandakan District. The schools were SK Sakilan Desa, SK Rancangan Lubuh, SK Sibugal Besar and SK Muhibbah. Several organizations also cooperated with BSBCC in this outreach program. The organizations are Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD), HUTAN-Kinabatangan Orangutan Conservation Program (HUTAN-KOCP), Tropical Rainforest Conservation and Research Centre (TRCRC), Sandakan Borneo Bird Club and Danau Girang Field Centre (DGFC).
Just like the previous outreaches, this program aims to educate and to expose the students and teachers to the conservation of wildlife and nature. Each of the organizers put emphasize on their respective field of study such as on orangutan, sun bear, dipterocarp trees, pangolin, birds and many more on their talk and activities such as coloring competitions, exhibitions and games. We positively expecting that this program may inspire more future defenders and protectors of the wildlife to join our cause and spreading the words in order to create a better world for our wildlife and nature.
Big thanks to all the involving schools and participating organizations!
Mr. Haniff explaining the enrichments of the sun bears. |
Before we depart, let's have some photos altogether. |
And here he comes, Sunny the Sun Bear! |
Doing some introduction to the wildlife. |
A token for successfully answering a question; Save Sun Bears Badge! |
Here we go, colouring the mask. |
One of the winners of the coloring competition. |
Coloring competition in progress. |
Tiru Suara Burung or Imitate the Bird's Voice with some of the students by Ms. Gloria. |
Ms. Yvonne explaining the diet of the sun bear. |
All the students of SK Sakilan Desa. |
Ms. Gloria conducting the one of the session. |
Ms. Yvonne and Mr. Haniff distributing the masks of the wildlife. |
While waiting for the lower primary students to complete coloring the mask, Ms. Yvonne and Mr. Haniff having photo with some of the teachers. |
Ms. Yvonne explaining the details of the sun bear. |
What a lovely picture of a kid with the Sun Bear's Tree of Hope. |
Ms. Gloria receiving the appreciation certification from SK Sakilan Desa on behalf of BSBCC. |
Ms. Gloria doing the introduction session. |
Ms. Gloria receiving the appreciation certification from SK Sakilan Desa on behalf of BSBCC. |
After coloring session, the lower primary students have a photo with the teachers and Ms. Yvonne. |
Mr. Khoirul interacting with the students at the exhibition booth. |
And for sure, Sunny became the attraction for the children and also the Headmistress. |
Ms Yvonne and , Sunny the Sun Bear! |
SK Rancangan Lubuh
Two cute children asking question to the staff of Sabah Wildlife Department. |
Cute Orangutan mask with an adorable girl. |
The mascots got surrounded by the curious students. |
Representative from Danau Girang Field Centre (DGFC). |
Ms. Gloria giving an introduction speech. |
The students looking on the profile of the bears of BSBCC. |
BSBCC giving certificate of appreciation to SK Rancangan Lubuh. |
Ms. Gloria pose with Mdm. Harijah, the Headmistress of SK Rancangan Lubuh. |
All the teachers, representative form all participating organizations and the students in the hall. |
HUTAN-KOCP booth visited by the students. |
Ms. Yvonne and Sunny in action! |
Solving the puzzle at the booth of Sandakan Bornean Bird Club. |
The staffs and the organisations posing with the Bornean Bristlehead and Bornean Sun Bear mascots. |
It's coloring time for the lower primary students! |
Mr. Haniff describing the diet of sun bear. |
Mr. Jerome interacting with the visiting students. |
Happy children and their poses! |
Coloring competition in progress. |
SK Sibugal Besar
Hillarious reaction of the students upon seeing Sunny the Sun Bear. |
Who dares win! This young girl got her prize for asking question about the Sun Bear. |
A student asking questions. |
Handing Sun Bear's Tree of Hope to the Headmistress of SK Sibugal Besar. |
Let's have a photo before solving this puzzle! |
Last but not least, again, group photo with the afternoon session school staffs, pariticipating organizations and of course Sunny and BB! |
Sunny poses with the three winners of the coloring competition along with Mdm. Risnayati and teachers. |
Mdm. Risnayati giving speech about Sun Bears. |
The winners of the game! |
Mdm. Risnayati giving introductory speech about the program. |
Coloring session. |
Mr. Haniff conducting the coloring session of another class of Year Four students. |
Sunny the Sun Bear in action. |
Who dares win! Little boy got his prize for asking question about the Sun Bear. |
The booth visited by both the students and teachers. |
Sunny and BB! |
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