International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) visit to BSBCC – Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre
Text and photo by Gloria Ganang
It was such a great honor to welcome students and teachers from the International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) at our centre yesterday (16th April 2012). There were 13 students and 3 teachers involved. The ISKL students will present a dance performance in the Sun Bear Rock event in Kuala Lumpur to raise awareness on the conservation of Bornean Sun Bear. Wai Pak gave a brief introduction about the centre before leading everyone around. One of the highlights of the visit was when everyone gets to watch the sun bears foraging for food and interacting with each other in the forest enclosure. The bears got very close to the observation platform as the group was so quite, they didn’t scare the bears at all! They also made a visit to the bear house and learn of its operation. The students did a wonderful job preparing various kinds of enrichments out of used paper boxes, fruits, honey, jam, ginger plants and many other materials for the sun bears to play with. It was such a memorable day as we get to share information about the centre and also knowledge on sun bears with the teachers and students. We hope that this will be a visit to remember and we would like to take this opportunity to thank ISKL for their support towards sun bears!
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