✨Highlights of My Internship Experience✨
Text by Marian Grace Modestus (UPM Intern)
During my veterinary internship at the Bornean Sun Bear
Conservation Centre (BSBCC), I had the incredible opportunity to deepen my
understanding of sun bears, their behavior, management, and conservation
Throughout my time here, I learned about the crucial role
sun bears play in the ecosystem and the challenges they face as an endangered
species. Being passionate about animals, this experience was truly rewarding. I
was actively involved in the daily management of the sun bears, which included
tasks such as fence checking, fecal analysis, enclosure cleaning, feeding,
health observation and maintenance, supplementation, and enrichment activities.
One key aspect of sun bear care is proper nutrition, which
involves a well-balanced diet consisting of starchy fruits and leafy
vegetables. Enrichment activities also play a vital role in conservation, as
they promote natural behaviors while ensuring both mental and physical
stimulation for the bears.
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the
dedicated staff at BSBCC for their kindness and passion for sun bear
conservation. Their ability to teach and guide interns effectively made this
experience even more meaningful. Their hard work and commitment to these
amazing animals are truly inspiring.
Moving forward, I will take the knowledge and skills I have
gained from this experience and apply them in my future career. This internship
has reinforced my passion for wildlife conservation, and I am excited to
contribute further to the well-being of animals and their habitats.
In summary, my internship at BSBCC provided me with valuable
hands-on experience alongside theoretical education. The Centre plays a crucial
role in sun bear conservation, and I am grateful for the opportunity to
contribute to its mission while gaining invaluable knowledge and skills.